PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 393 - Austrian Citizen Science Conference 2020 (ACSC2020) - Austrian Citizen Science Conference 2020
The data management plan - the common thread through the project. DMP consulting at the University of Vienna
S. Blumesberger
Full text: pdf
Published on: April 12, 2021
This article will use the example of the University of Vienna to show how DMP consulting can succeed
and that all parties involved benefit from it. Data Management Plans (DMPs), which are increasingly
required by research funders and describe the life cycle of data within a research project, are not only
important for the funders, but also for the repository operators and, above all, for the researchers
themselves. The funders hope that this will result in the highest possible re-use rate of the data they have
paid for, the repository operators know through DMPs what they need to focus their repository on, how
much data of what size and complexity should be stored, and for the researchers it is a self-designed
guide through the project. They define responsibilities for data protection, backup, etc. and have to think
about legal and ethical issues, licensing, data description, necessary technical implementations, archiving
and storage options. If the questions are clarified in the DMP's, one also receives an overview of which
data can be further used under which conditions. Optimally completed data management plans also make
the data fit for further use in a Citizen Science project and possibly for further improvement. Data
management plans are therefore useful even where they are not yet mandatory, because they structure the
workflow and help to plan the necessary resources. Data management plans, which should be living
documents, are also usefully linked to other services such as repositories, DOI allocation, ORCID, etc. In
the best case, the DMP also shows that there are still no appropriate solutions for some requirements, for
example for the long-term accessibility of databases.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.393.0014
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