PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 394 - RDP online workshop "Recent Advances in Mathematical Physics" (Regio2020) - Session 6
N = 2 Calogero models within superfields
A. Sutulin
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Published on: April 23, 2021
We provide a superspace description of $\cal N{=}\,2$ supersymmetric Calogero models associated with the classical $A_n, B_n, C_n$ and $D_n$ Lie algebras and their hyperbolic/trigonometric versions. These models are described by $n$ bosonic and $2n(n{-}1)$ fermionic $\cal N{=}\,2$ superfields, the latter being subject to a nonlinear chirality constraint.
This constraint has a universal form valid for all Calogero models and guarantees an existence of more general supercharges (and a superspace Lagrangian), which provide the $\cal N{=}\,2$ supersymmetrization for bosonic potentials with arbitrary repulsive pairwise interactions.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.394.0017
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