  author = "Jung, Bouke Jisse  and  Ageron, Michel  and  Aiello, Sebastiano  and  Albert, Arnauld  and  Alshamsi, Maitha  and  Alves Garre, Sergio  and  Aly, Zineb  and  Ambrosone, Antonio  and  Ameli, Fabrizio  and  Andre, Michel  and  Androulakis, Giorgos  and  Anghinolfi, Marco  and  Anguita, Mancia  and  Anton, Gisela  and  Ardid, Miquel  and  Ardid, Salva  and  Assal, William  and  Aublin, Julien  and  Bagatelas, Christos  and  Baret, Bruny  and  Basegmez du Pree, Suzan  and  Bendahman, Meriem  and  Benfenati, Francesco  and  Berbee, Edward  and  van den Berg, Ad  and  Bertin, Vincent  and  Beurthey, Stephan  and  van Beveren, Vincent  and  Biagi, Simone  and  Billault, Michel  and  Bissinger, Matthias  and  Böttcher, Markus  and  Bou Cabo, Manuel  and  Boumaaza, Jihad  and  Bouta, Mohammed  and  Boutonnet, Claude  and  Bouvet, Gilles  and  Bouwhuis, Mieke  and  Bozza, Cristiano  and  Branzas, Horea  and  Bruijn, Ronald  and  Brunner, Juergen  and  BRUNO, Riccardo  and  Buis, Ernst-Jan  and  Buompane, Raffaele  and  Busto, Jose  and  Caiffi, Barbara  and  Caillat, Laurence  and  CALVO, David  and  Campion, Stefano  and  Capone, Antonio  and  Carduner, Hervé  and  Carretero, Victor  and  Castaldi, Paolo  and  Celli, Silvia  and  Cereseto, Roberto  and  Chabab, Mohamed  and  Champion, Cédric  and  Chau, Nhan  and  Chen, Andrew  and  Cherubini, Silvio  and  Chiarella, Vitaliano  and  Chiarusi, Tommaso  and  Circella, Marco  and  Cocimano, Rosanna  and  Coelho, Joao  and  Coleiro, Alexis  and  Colomer Molla, Marta  and  Colonges, Stèphane  and  Coniglione, Rosa  and  Cosquer, Alain  and  Coyle, Paschal  and  Cresta, Massimiliano  and  Creusot, Alexandre  and  Cruz, Anvil  and  CUTTONE, Giacomo  and  D'Amico, Antonio  and  Dallier, Richard  and  De Martino, Bianca  and  De Palma, Mauro  and  Di Palma, Irene  and  Diaz, Antonio  and  Diego-tortosa, Dídac  and  Distefano, Carla  and  Domi, Alba  and  Donzaud, Corinne  and  Dornic, Damien  and  Doerr, Manuel  and  Drouhin, Doriane  and  Eberl, Thomas  and  Eddyamoui, Ahmed  and  van Eeden, Thijs  and  van Eijk, Daan  and  El Bojaddaini, Imad  and  Eljarrari, Hassnae  and  Elsaesser, Dominik  and  Enzenhoefer, Alexander  and  Espinosa Rosello, Victor  and  Fermani, Paolo  and  Ferrara, Giovanna  and  Filipovic, Miroslav D.  and  Filippini, Francesco  and  Fransen, Jean-Paul  and  Fusco, Luigi Antonio  and  Gajanana, Deepak  and  Gal, Tamas  and  Garcia-Mendez, Juan  and  Garcia Soto, Alfonso Andres  and  Garcon, Evelyne  and  Garufi, Fabio  and  Gatius Oliver, Clara  and  Geisselbrecht, Nicole  and  Gialanella, Lucio  and  Giorgio, Emidio  and  Gozzini, Sara Rebecca  and  Gracia, Rodrigo  and  Graf, Kay  and  Grella, Giuseppe  and  Guderian, Daniel  and  Guidi, Carlo  and  Guillon, Benoit  and  Gutierrez, Miguel  and  Haefner, Julia  and  Hallmann, Steffen  and  Hamdaoui, Hassane  and  van Haren, Hans  and  Heijboer, Aart  and  Hekalo, Amar  and  Hennig, Lukas  and  Henry, Sylvain  and  Hernandez-Rey, Juan-Jose  and  Hofestaedt, Jannik  and  Huang, Feifei  and  Idrissi Ibnsalih, Walid  and  Ilioni, Alin  and  Illuminati, Giulia  and  James, Clancy  and  Janezashvili, Davit  and  Jansweijer, Peter  and  De Jong, Maarten  and  de Jong, Paul  and  Jung, Bouke Jisse  and  Kadler, Matthias  and  Kalaczyński, Piotr  and  KALEKIN, Oleg  and  Katz, Ulì  and  Kayzel, Frank  and  Keller, Pascale  and  Khan Chowdhury, Nafis Rezwan  and  Kistauri, Giorgi  and  van der Knaap, Frits  and  Kooijman, Paul  and  Kouchner, Antoine  and  Kreter, Michael  and  Kulikovskiy, Vladimir  and  Labalme, Marc  and  Lagier, Philippe  and  Lahmann, Robert  and  Lamare, Patrick  and  Lamoureux, Mathieu  and  Larosa, Giuseppina  and  Lastoria, Chiara Filomena  and  Laurence, Jerome  and  Lazo, Alfonso  and  Le Breton, Remy  and  Le Guirriec, Emmanuel  and  Le Stum, Sebastien  and  Lehaut, Gregory  and  Leonardi, Ornella  and  Leone, Francesco  and  Leonora, Emanuele  and  Lerouvillois, Christophe  and  Lesrel, Jean  and  Lessing, Nadja  and  Levi, Giuseppe  and  Lincetto, Massimiliano  and  Lindsey Clark, Miles  and  Lipreau, Thomas  and  LLorens Alvarez, Carlos  and  Lonardo, Alessandro  and  Longhitano, Fabio  and  Lopez Coto, Daniel  and  Lumb, Nick  and  Maderer, Lukas  and  Majumdar, Jhilik  and  Manczak, Jerzy  and  Margiotta, Annarita  and  Marinelli, Antonio  and  Marini, Aurelien  and  Markou, Christos  and  Martin, Lilian  and  Martinez-Mora, Juan Antonio  and  Martini, Agnese  and  Marzaioli, Fabio  and  Mastroianni, Stefano  and  Melis, Karel  and  Miele, Gennaro  and  Migliozzi, Pasquale  and  Migneco, Emilio  and  Mijakowski, Piotr  and  Miranda Palacios, Luis Salvador  and  Mollo, Carlos Maximiliano  and  Mongelli, Maurizio  and  Moussa, Abdelilah  and  Muller, Rasa  and  MUSICO, Paolo  and  Musumeci, Mario  and  Nauta, Lodewijk  and  Navas, Sergio  and  Nicolau, Carlo Alessandro  and  Nkosi, Bhuti  and  O'Fearraigh, Brian  and  O'Sullivan, Mitchell  and  Orlando, Angelo  and  Ottonello, Giacomo  and  Ottonello, Stefano  and  Palacios Gonzalez, Juan  and  Papalashvili, Gogita  and  Papaleo, Riccardo  and  Pastore, Cosimo  and  Păun, Alice  and  Păvălaş, Gabriela Emilia  and  Pellegrini, Giuliano  and  Pellegrino, Carmelo  and  Perrin-Terrin, Mathieu  and  Pestel, Valentin  and  Piattelli, Paolo  and  Pieterse, Camiel  and  Pisanti, Ofelia  and  Poirè, Chiara  and  Popa, Vlad  and  Pradier, Thierry  and  Pratolongo, Fabio  and  Probst, Isabella  and  PUEHLHOFER, Gerd  and  Pulvirenti, Sara  and  Quemener, Gilles  and  Randazzo, Nunzio  and  Rapicavoli, Antonio  and  Razzaque, Soebur  and  REAL, Diego  and  Reck, Stefan  and  Riccobene, Giorgio  and  Rigalleau, Louis-Marie  and  Romanov, Andrey  and  Rovelli, Alberto  and  Royon, Jerome  and  Salesa Greus, Francisco  and  Samtleben, Dorothea Franziska Elisabeth  and  Sánchez Losa, Agustín  and  Sanguineti, Matteo  and  Santangelo, Andrea  and  Santonocito, Domenico  and  Sapienza, Piera  and  Schmelling, Jan-Willem  and  Schnabel, Jutta  and  Schneider, Martin Friedrich  and  Schumann, Johannes  and  Schutte, Hester  and  Seneca, Jordan  and  Sgura, Irene  and  Shanidze, Rezo  and  Sharma, Ankur  and  Sinopoulou, Anna  and  Spisso, Bernardino  and  Spurio, Maurizio  and  Stavropoulos, Dimitris  and  Steijger, Jos  and  Stellacci, Simona Maria  and  Taiuti, Mauro  and  Tatone, Francesca  and  Tayalati, Yahya  and  Tenllado, Enrique  and  Tezier, Damien  and  Thakore, Tarak  and  Theraube, Stephane  and  Thiersen, Hannes  and  Timmer, Paul  and  Tingay, Steven  and  Tsagkli, Stavroula  and  Tsourapis, Vasileios  and  Tzamariudaki, Ekaterini  and  Tzanetatos, Dimitrios  and  Valieri, Claudia  and  Van Elewyck, Veronique  and  Vasileiadis, George  and  Versari, Federico  and  Viola, Salvatore  and  Vivolo, Daniele  and  de Wasseige, Gwenhaël  and  Wilms, Joern  and  Wojaczynski, Rafal  and  de WOLF, Els  and  Yousfi, Tarik  and  Zavatarelli, Sandra  and  Zegarelli, Angela  and  Zito, Daniele  and  Zornoza, Juan-de-Dios  and  Zúñiga, Juan  and  Żywucka, Natalia",
  title = "{PMT gain calibration and monitoring based on highly compressed hit information in KM3NeT}",
  doi = "10.22323/1.395.1081",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of 37th International Cosmic Ray Conference {\textemdash} PoS(ICRC2021)",
  year = 2021,
  volume = "395",
  pages = "1081"