@inproceedings{Aramo:2021ji, author = "Aramo, Carla and Antolini, R. and Bocci, V. and Buscemi, M. and Caccianiga, L. and Candela, A. and Cataldi, G. and Colalillo, R. and Convenga, F. and Coluccia, M.R. and de Palma, F. and Di Nezza, P. and Di Sciascio, G. and Evoli, C. and Galbato, G. and Hemmer, S. and Giampaoli, A. and Iacoangeli, F. and Liguori, D. and Miozzi, S. and Paoletti, R. and Rossi, Nicola and Rozza, D. and Schioppa, M. and Veronesi, I.", title = "{The online laboratories for OCRA - Outreach Cosmic Ray Activities INFN project}", doi = "10.22323/1.395.1379", booktitle = "Proceedings of 37th International Cosmic Ray Conference {\textemdash} PoS(ICRC2021)", year = 2021, volume = "395", pages = "1379" }