PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 395 - 37th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2021) - CRI - Cosmic Ray Indirect
CoREAS simulations of inclined air showers predict refractive displacement of the radio-emission footprint
M. Gottowik*, F. Schlüter, T. Huege and J. Rautenberg
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Pre-published on: July 05, 2021
Published on: March 18, 2022
Simulating the radio emission of inclined extensive air showers for a ground-based radio-antenna
array we find a systematic displacement of the radio emission with respect to the Monte-Carlo
shower impact point. We correct the radio-emission footprint for the asymmetries due to the
superposition of geomagnetic and charge-excess radiation as well as for the early-late effect. The
remaining displacement is found to be ∼1500 m along the ground plane for showers with a zenith
angle of 85°, which is relevant for air shower detectors. A model describing this displacement by
refraction in the atmosphere based on Snell’s law yields good agreement with our observations
from CoREAS simulations. We thus conclude that the displacement is caused by refraction in the
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.395.0277
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