@inproceedings{Mulrey:2021e1, author = "Mulrey, Katharine and Buitink, S. and Corstanje, A. and de Vries, K. D and Falcke, H. and Hare, B. M and Hörandel, Jörg R. and Huege, Tim and Krampah, G. K and Mitra, P. and Nelles, Anna and Pandya, H. and Rachen, J. P and Santiago, E. and Scholten, O. and Stanley, R. and ter Veen, S and Thoudam, S. and Trinh, T. N G and Winchen, T.", title = "{Cross-calibrating the energy scales of cosmic-ray experiments using a portable radio array}", doi = "10.22323/1.395.0414", booktitle = "Proceedings of 37th International Cosmic Ray Conference {\textemdash} PoS(ICRC2021)", year = 2021, volume = "395", pages = "414" }