PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 395 - 37th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2021) - GAI - Gamma Ray Indirect
Status update of MACE Gamma-ray telescope
N. Bhatt, S. Bhattacharyya, C. Borwankar, K. Chanchalani, P. Chandra, V. Chitnis, N. Chouhan, M.P. Das, V.K. Dhar, B. Ghosal, S. Godambe, S. Godiyal, K.K. Gour, H. Jayaraman, M. Khurana, M. Kothari, S. Kotwal, M.K. Koul, N. Kumar, N. Kumar, C.P. Kushwaha, N. Mankuzhiyil, P. Marandi, K. Nand, S. Norlha, D. Sarkar, M. Sharma, K.K. Singh, R. Thubstan, A. Tolamatti, V. Krishnan and K. Yadav*et al. (click to show)
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Pre-published on: July 06, 2021
Published on: March 18, 2022
MACE (Major Atmospheric Cherenkov Experiment), an imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescope, has recently been installed by the HiGRO (Himalayan Gamma-Ray Observatory) collaboration at Hanle (32.8$^\circ$N, 78.9$^\circ$E, 4270m asl) in Ladakh region of North India. The telescope has a 21m diameter large light collector consisting of indigenously developed 1424 square-shaped diamond turned spherical aluminum mirror facets of size $\sim$ 0.5m$\times$0.5m. MACE is the second largest Cherenkov telescope at the highest altitude in the northern hemisphere. The imaging camera of the telescope consists of 1088 photo-multiplier tubes with a uniform pixel resolution of $\sim 0.125^\circ$ covering a field of view of $\sim$ 4.0$^\circ$ $\times$ 4.0$^\circ$. The main objective of the MACE telescope is to study gamma-ray sources mainly in the unexplored energy region 20 -100 GeV and beyond with high sensitivity. In this paper, we describe the key design features and current status of MACE including results from
the trial observations of the telescope.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.395.0756
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