PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 395 - 37th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2021) - MM - Multi-Messenger
VERITAS follow-up observation of the blazar TXS 0506+056
Presented by W. Jin*  on behalf of R. Sharpe, M. Capasso, R. Ong, I. Sadeh, P. Kaaret, W. Benbow, R. Mukherjee, R. Prado, M. Lundy, S. Patel, P. Moriarty, G. Maier, A. Furniss, K. Ragan, D.A. Williams, J. Buckley, L. Fortson, J. Quinn, J. Holder, C. Giuri, E. Pueschel, D. Nieto, C. Adams, S. O'Brien, D. Ribeiro, K. Pfrang, O. Gueta, G.M. Foote, A. Weinstein, S. Kumar, T. Williamson, D. Tak, C. McGrath, T.K. Kleiner, M. Pohl, P. Reynolds, B. Hona, D. Hanna, M. Santander, G. Sembroski, S.R. Patel, M. Errando, M. Kertzman, O. Hervet, M. Nievas-Rosillo, M. Lang, E. Roache, T.B. Humensky, R.Y. Shang, V. Vassiliev, A. Cherman, A. Falcone, J. Christiansen, A. Otte, A.E. Gent, A. Brill, J. Ryan, K. Farrell, G. Gillanders, Q. Feng, A. Archer and D. Kiedaet al. (click to show)
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Pre-published on: August 02, 2021
Published on: March 18, 2022
The gamma-ray blazar TXS 0506+056 was found with an enhanced gamma-ray emission statein spatial and temporal coincidence with the IceCube high energy neutrino event IC170922A.This is the most significant association by far between a high-energy neutrino event and a blazarin a flaring state. Studying the time evolution and spectral behavior of the blazar emission mayhelp in identifying the sources of the diffuse neutrino flux observed by IceCube and the origin ofenergetic cosmic rays. TXS 0506+056 was detected by the VERITAS gamma-ray observatory witha significance of 5.8 standard deviations above 110 GeV in a 35 hour data set collected betweenSeptember 23, 2017 and February 6, 2018. Here we will present results from recent VERITASobservations and an associated multiwavelength campaign, collected between October 10, 2018to March 1, 2021. A relatively quiet very high energy gamma-ray emission state was observedduring this time period, and flux upper limits are used to constrain the potential variability of thisblazar.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.395.0945
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