PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 395 - 37th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2021) - MM - Multi-Messenger
Ultra-high energy cosmic rays in harmonic space
S. Camera
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Pre-published on: August 04, 2021
Published on: March 18, 2022
I shall review our recent proposal of the use of the harmonic-space cross-correlation power spectrum between the arrival directions of ultra-high energy cosmic rays (UHECRs) and the distributions of galaxies in the Universe, as observed by cosmological surveys of the large- scale structure (LSS). We expect the two observables to correlate, due to both galaxies and UHECR sources being hosted within dark matter haloes, which constitute the very LSS. This cross-correlation has not yet been considered in the literature. We formalise analytically such a cross-correlation and show how, if the distribution of UHECR sources traces indeed the LSS, the combination of auto- and cross-correlation greatly helps to detect UHECR anisotropies, even with current data. We show that the cross-correlation is more sensitive to UHECR anisotropies on small angular scales, more robust to systematic uncertainties, and it could be used to determine the redshift distribution of UHECR sources.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.395.0980
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