@inproceedings{Bellwied:20222i, author = "Bellwied, Rene and Borsanyi, Szabolcs and Fodor, Zoltan and Günther, Jana N. and Katz, Sándor D. and Parotto, Paolo and Pasztor, Attila and Pesznyák, Dávid and Ratti, Claudia and Szabó, Kálmán K.", title = "{Quantifying corrections to the hadron resonance gas with lattice QCD}", doi = "10.22323/1.396.0186", booktitle = "Proceedings of The 38th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory {\textemdash} PoS(LATTICE2021)", year = 2022, volume = "396", pages = "186" }