Quantum link models (QLMs) are extensions of Wilson-type lattice gauge theories, and show
rich physics beyond the phenomena of conventional Wilson gauge theories. Here we explore the physics
of $U(1)$ symmetric QLMs, both using a more conventional quantum spin-1/2 representation, as well as
a fermionic representation. In 2D, we show that both bosonic and fermionic QLMs display the same physics.
We then explore the models in 3D and find different behavior for the two QLMs. For the bosons, we see
evidence for a quantum phase transition from a symmetry broken phase to a potential quantum spin liquid
phase. For the fermions, we identify not one but two distinct phases in addition to a symmetry broken
phase. We explore the symmetries of the ground state in the strong coupling limit, which breaks lattice
symmetries and examine the spectrum for both models.