BSM $B - \bar{B}$ mixing on JLQCD and RBC/UKQCD $N_f=2+1$ DWF ensembles
P. Boyle, F. Erben*, A. Juttner, T. Kaneko, M. Marshall, A. Portelli, O. Witzel, L. Del Debbio and J.T. Tsang
Pre-published on:
May 16, 2022
Published on:
July 08, 2022
We are presenting our ongoing Lattice QCD study on $B - \bar{B}$ mixing on several RBC/UKQCD and JLQCD ensembles with 2+1 dynamical-flavour domain-wall fermions, including physical-pion-mass ensembles. We are extracting bag parameters $B_{B_d}$ and $B_{B_s}$ using the full 5-mixing-operator basis to study both Standard-Model mixing as well as Beyond the Standard Model mixing, using a fully correlated combined fit to two-point functions and ratios of three-point and two-point functions. Using 15 different lattice ensembles we are simulating a range of heavy-quark masses from below the charm-quark mass to just below the bottom-quark mass.
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