PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 396 - The 38th International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory (LATTICE2021) - Oral presentation
Semileptonic $D \rightarrow \pi \ell \nu$, $D \rightarrow K \ell \nu$ and $D_s \rightarrow K \ell \nu$ decays with 2+1f domain wall fermions
M. Marshall*, P. Boyle, L. Del Debbio, F. Erben, J. Flynn, A. Juttner, A. Portelli, J.T. Tsang and O. Witzel
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Pre-published on: May 16, 2022
Published on: July 08, 2022
We present the status of our project to calculate $D \to \pi \ell \nu$, $D \to K \ell \nu$ and $D_s \to K \ell \nu$ semileptonic form factors using domain wall fermions for both heavy and light quarks. Our computations are performed using RBC/UKQCD's set of 2+1 flavour domain wall fermion and Iwasaki gauge field ensembles. We plan to calculate three-point functions covering the full, physically allowed kinematic range. Given that the signal decays faster than the noise, unambiguously and reliably extracting the ground state is critical for success. We include an analysis of operator diagonalisation within several possible $2 \times 2$ operator bases and find an admixture of gauged fixed wall and $\mathbb{Z} \left( 2 \right)$ wall sources to be acceptable at both zero and non-zero momentum. Initial results for semileptonic form factors are presented for first ensembles.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.396.0416
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