We propose a new experiment to search for axions with masses around $30~\mu$eV using superconductive cavities in a strong magnetic field. Axions are hypothetical particles that could solve the well known strong CP problem in the standard model of particle physics. Furthermore axions could explain the dark matter content of the universe. Axions are expected to convert to photons in the presence of a strong magnetic field, where the photon frequency depends on the axions mass. For wavelengths in the microwave regime resonators are typically used to enhance the axion signal. In contrast to existing experiments we propose to use a superconducting radio frequency cavity with high quality factor for the first time.
In cooperation with the RADES collaboration we plan to setup the experiment in the first half of 2022. With this innovative approach and by using an existing 14T magnet, the largely unexplored mass region between $20~\mu$eV to $40~\mu$eV could eventually be studied with unprecedented sensitivity.
This paper will present the proposed experiment and its estimated sensitivity in comparison to existing RF cavity based axion search experiments.