High power targets: Challenges of next-generation high-intensity neutrino beams
K. Ammigan*, F. Pellemoine on behalf of the RaDIATE collaboration
Published on:
March 31, 2022
High power target systems are crucial elements in enabling future neutrino and other rare particle beams. These systems transform intense source of protons into secondary particles of interest to enable new scientific discoveries. As primary beam intensities increase in next-generation multi-megawatt accelerator facilities, high power target systems face key challenges. Thermal shock and radiation damage effects in beam-intercepting devices were identified as the leading cross-cutting challenges of high-power target facilities. Target materials R&D to address these challenges are therefore essential to enable and ensure reliable operation of future accelerator target facilities. This paper provides an overview of the R&D activities underway to help support high power target systems development for next-generation multi-MW facilities.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.402.0035
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