PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 402 - The 22nd International Workshop on Neutrinos from Accelerators (NuFact2021) - All Sessions
Towards the measurement of neutrino cross section on H2O and CH target at 1 GeV region by T2K-WAGASCI experiment
K. Yasutome* and  On behalf of the T2K collaboration
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Published on: March 31, 2022
The T2K experiment is searching for the CP phase, $\delta_{CP}$ violation in the lepton sector by a precise measurement of neutrino oscillations. We published the latest paper to show the CP violation at 95% confidence level. The reduction of statistical and systematic uncertainties is essential to achieve higher significance in this measurement. The T2K-WAGASCI detectors were newly introduced to T2K experiment as one of near detectors to reduce the systematic uncertainty related to the neutrino-nucleus interactions. They are located at 1.5-degree from the neutrino beam axis, a different off-axis from other T2K near detector ND280, and is therefore exposed to higher energy neutrino beam. This research has aimed for a precise measurement of neutrino interaction induced by neutrino beam generated from the high intensity proton beam at J-PARC which would lead to a better understanding of neutrino interaction models.
In this report, the analysis status of the cross-section measurement on $\mathrm{H}_{2}\mathrm{O}$ and CH targets at 1 GeV energy region with data set corresponding to \(6.5 \times 10^{20}\) protons on target will be shown including the potential impact on the T2K oscillation measurement.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.402.0075
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