PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 414 - 41st International Conference on High Energy physics (ICHEP2022) - Poster Session
Status of the search for ${}^{48}$ Ca double beta decay with CANDLES
Y. Minami*, K. Fushimi", A. Hashimoto", R. Hazama", T. Hiraiwa", T. Iida", Y. Kishida", T. Kishimoto", P. Kumsut", K. Matsuoka", N. Miyanaga", G. Miyoshi", Y. Muramatsu", K. Nakajima", J.y. Nakajima", H. Niki", Y. Niwa", I. Ogawa", H. Okuda", A. Rittirong", T. Sakai", A. Sakaue", K. Suzuki", Y. Takihira", Y. Tamagawa", S. Tokita", M. Tozawa", M. Uemukai", S. Yoshida", A. Yoshioka" and R. Yuhaku"et al. (click to show)
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Pre-published on: January 31, 2023
Published on: June 15, 2023
The origin of neutrino masses remains shrouded in mystery.
One of the possible scenarios is that neutrinos have Majorana masses, which leads to neutrinoless double-beta decay ($0\nu\beta\beta$).
CANDLES is a project to search for the $0\nu\beta\beta$ events from ${}^{48}\mathrm{Ca}$, which has a relatively high Q$_{\beta\beta}$-value of $4.27\,$MeV among the known double beta decay nuclei.
We developed a CANDLES-III system with 96 $\mathrm{CaF}_2$ scintillation crystals with natural Ca isotope, which corresponds to $350\,$g of ${}^{48}\mathrm{Ca}$, and took data with about $652$ days of observation from $2016$.
We are preparing a method to reduce $\beta$-decay background events to increase the sensitivity to the signal.
In this contribution, a development of the method for background reduction and the latest status of the search for the $0\nu\beta\beta$ will be reported.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.414.1142
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