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PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 414 - 41st International Conference on High Energy physics (ICHEP2022) - Poster Session
Large scale SiPM testing for the Cosmic Muon Veto detector
M. Jangra*, R. Bhupen, G. Majumder, K. Gothe, M.N. Saraf, N. Parmar, B. Satyanarayana, R.R. Shinde, S.K. Rao, S.S. Upadhya, V.M. Datar, D.A. Glenzinski, A. Bross, A. Pla-Dalmau, V.V. Zutshi, R.C. Group and E.C. Dukes
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Pre-published on: November 23, 2022
Published on: June 15, 2023
A Cosmic Muon Veto (CMV) detector using extruded plastic scintillators is being built around the mini-Iron Calorimeter (mini-ICAL) detector at the transit campus of the India based Neutrino Observatory, Madurai. The extruded plastic scintillators will be embedded with wavelength shifting (WLS) fibres to absorb scintillating photons and propgate the re-emitted photons to the silicon-photomultipliers for the electronic signals. The CMV detector will require 760 extruded plastic scintillators to shield the mini-ICAL detector, and will require 3040 SiPMs for the readout. The design goal for the cosmic muon veto efficiency of the CMV is >99.99\% and fake veto rate less than 105. Hence, every SiPM used in the detector needs to be characterised to satisfy the design goal of the CMV. For this, a large-scale testing system was developed, using an LED driver, to measure the gain and noise rate of each SiPM, and thus determine it's breakdown voltage (Vbr) and optimum operating overvoltage (Vov).
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.414.1154
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