  author = "Farinelli, Riccardo  and  Amoroso, A.  and  Balossino, I.  and  Bencivenni, G.  and  Bertani, M.  and  Cafaro, V.  and  Cibinetto, G.  and  De Lucia, E.  and  Dominici, D.  and  Evangelisti, F.  and  Felici, G.  and  Gatta, M.  and  Garzia, I.  and  Giacomelli, P.  and  Giovannetti, M.  and  Gramigna, S.  and  Lavezzi, L.  and  Melchiorri, M.  and  Mezzadri, Giulio  and  Morello, G.  and  Papalino, G.  and  Poli Lener, Marco  and  Scodeggio, M.  and  Sosio, S.",
  title = "{The u-RWELL technology or the pre-shower and muon detectors of the IDEA detector}",
  doi = "10.22323/1.414.0333",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of 41st International Conference on High Energy physics {\textemdash} PoS(ICHEP2022)",
  year = 2022,
  volume = "414",
  pages = "333"