  author = "Elmetenawee, Walaa  and  chiarello, gianluigi  and  Corvaglia, Alessandro  and  Cuna, Federica  and  De Filippis, Nicola  and  Gorini, Edoardo  and  Grancagnolo, Francesco  and  Maggi, Marcello  and  Miccoli, Alessandro  and  Panareo, Marco  and  Primavera, Margherita  and  Francesco Tassielli, Giovanni  and  Ventura, Andrea",
  title = "{The Tracking performance for the IDEA drift chamber}",
  doi = "10.22323/1.414.0362",
  journal = "PoS",
  year = 2022,
  volume = "ICHEP2022",
  pages = "362"