PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 414 - 41st International Conference on High Energy physics (ICHEP2022) - Neutrino Physics
Hierarchy and NSI study of P2O in its Optimal Configuration
D.K. Singha*, M. Ghosh, R. Majhi and R. Mohanta
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Pre-published on: November 19, 2022
Published on: June 15, 2023
We have studied the hierarchy sensitivity of Protvino to ORCA experiment in standard three flavor oscillation and in the presence of non-standard interactions. It has a baseline of 2595 km, and it is expected to have better sensitivity to mass hierarchy and non-standard interactions compared to the DUNE experiment. Despite having higher appearance events than DUNE, we noticed that it has less sensitivity to hierarchy. The hierarchy sensitivity of Protvino to ORCA experiment becomes equivalent to DUNE for $\delta_{CP}=195^{0}$ for a background reduction factor of 0.46 and appearance channel background systematic normalization of 4$\%$. We see that $\epsilon_{e \tau}$ ($\epsilon_{e \mu}$) sensitivity of this optimized configuration is better (similar) than DUNE when both $\epsilon_{e \mu}$ and $\epsilon_{e \tau}$ are considered in the analysis. We find that the change in hierarchy sensitivity of Protvino to ORCA experiment is more significant compared to DUNE in the presence of non-standard interactions. Further, the hierarchy sensitivity in this case is higher (lower) than the standard three flavor case for $\delta_{CP}=270^{0}(90^{0})$.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.414.0595
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