Quarkonia represent excellent tools for understanding the role of multiparton interactions (MPI)
in small systems, i.e., pp and p-A collisions. Probing MPI with quarkonia can be done directly by
looking at quarkonium associated production, or indirectly by studying the multiplicity dependence
of quarkonium production. In these proceedings, the results from the ALICE experiment on direct
and indirect MPI probes are discussed. The self-normalized yields of charmonium production
as a function of the charged-particle multiplicity in pp and pβPb collisions at βπ = 13 TeV and
βπ NN = 8.16 TeV, respectively, are discussed. Additionally, the corresponding measurements
of the charmonium self-normalized excited-to-ground state ratio as a function of the charged-
particle multiplicity are reported. The new measurement of the double J/π production at forward
rapidity in pp collisions at βπ = 13 TeV is presented. Finally, the multiplicity dependence of the
bottomonium production in pp collisions at βπ = 13 TeV is discussed. The comparison to the
available theoretical calculations is reported.