PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 414 - 41st International Conference on High Energy physics (ICHEP2022) - Technology and Industrial Applications
A new muon tomography detector for glaciers melting monitoring
S. Rabaglia*, A. Cervelli and M. Sioli
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Pre-published on: November 25, 2022
Published on: June 15, 2023
Muon Tomography is a widely used technique, employed to perform imaging of the inner structure of large objects such as volcanoes, containers and pyramids. This technique takes advantages of the muon flux that reaches the surface of the Earth ($\sim 70 m^{-2} s^{-1} sr^{-1}$), produced by the interaction between Cosmic Rays and the atmosphere. The difference between the measured muon flux, with and without a certain object in the field of view, allows to infer the thickness of material traversed by the muons. In case of glaciers, thanks to the different density of ice and rock, a directional flux measurement provides information on both the glacier thickness and the bedrock-ice interface depth.
The goal of our project is the development of a detector able to measure the glacier thickness with a real time data taking and processing, in order to perform studies of the seasonal behavior and the glacier melting trend through the years. The detector goal is to be able to reconstruct the trajectory of muons with an angular resolution of order of 5 milliradians to obtain a precision on the target object thickness of the order of few meters. The detector is designed to be operable in open-sky and scalable. In this contribution, we will show the results of a set of simulations aimed to optimize the detector design and the foreseen performances of the designed detector. The results are obtained through a detector simulation and a track finding algorithm. The angular resolution of the reconstructed muon tracks will be shown considering different configurations of the triggering system and the quality of the tracks, together with a study of the dependence of the angular resolution on the direction of the incoming particle.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.414.0849
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