PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 414 - 41st International Conference on High Energy physics (ICHEP2022) - Poster Session
HE Stratosphere Event of 1975 Revisited: the Difference between the Patterns of Astroparticle Interaction and LHC Nucleus-Nucleus Collision.
O.I. Piskounova
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Pre-published on: November 25, 2022
Published on: June 15, 2023
The event of astroparticle collision at high energy was detected in 1975 during the balloon flight in the stratosphere. In this paper the data have been re-analyzed in the style of LHC experiments: rapidity distributions of charged particles and transverse mass spectra of multi-particle production have been built. The comparison of multiple histograms with the expectations of the Quark-Gluon String Model (QGSM) gives us, at the first sight, the conclusion that it is the carbon-nucleus collision with the matter of atmosphere at the c.m.s. equivalent energy $\sqrt{s} \ge$ 5 TeV. Nevertheless, the data indicate some features that cannot be associated with nucleus-nucleus collision: a small nucleon population has been seen in the region of projectile fragmentation that is impossible for carbon interaction. In addition, one particle with transverse mass 16 GeV was detected, which just cannot be any known hadron. Both facts make us convinced that there may be baryonium DM decay. Baryonium DM particles are to be formed at the huge gravitation pressure around giant massive objects like Black Holes. The important difference between this form of matter and the ordinary nucleus lies in the structure function of nucleons in the colliding projectile: nuclei are just nucleon conglomerates, while a baryonium DM is the object, where protons and antiprotons are strongly connected, so the energy is divided between components due to the structure function of Regge type, like for quarks in the proton. The lightest debris of baryonium DM particle interacts with the greatest maximal rapidity and gives the small number of nucleons in the forwarding part of rapidity spectrum. Baryonium DM can also split into the pair of similar DM particle with lower mass giving a couple of unusual hadrons with mass like 14 GeV.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.414.0910
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