NNLO Photon Production with Realistic Photon Isolation
R. Schuermann*, X. Chen, T. Gehrmann, N. Glover, M. Höfer and A. Huss
Published on:
October 20, 2022
Isolated photon production at hadron colliders proceeds via direct production and fragmentation processes. Theory predictions for the isolated photon and photon-plus-jet cross section often impose idealised photon isolation criteria, eliminating the fragmentation contribution and introducing a systematic uncertainty in the comparison to data. We present NNLO predictions for the photon-plus-jet cross section with the experimental isolation including both, direct and fragmentation contributions. Predictions with two different parton-to-photon fragmentation functions are compared, allowing for an estimation of the uncertainty stemming from the only loosely constrained photon fragmentation functions.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.416.0034
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