PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 417 - 7th Heidelberg International Symposium on High-Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy (Gamma2022) - Highlight talks (observtional)
Highlights from VERITAS
J. Quinn
Full text: pdf
Pre-published on: June 07, 2023
Published on: December 05, 2024
VERITAS is one of the world’s most sensitive detectors of astrophysical VHE (E > 100 GeV) gamma rays. This array of four 12-m imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes, located in southern Arizona, USA, has operated for ~15 years. VERITAS science spans Galactic topics, including pulsar wind nebulae, binary systems, and supernova remnants; extra-galactic topics, including studies of blazars and radio galaxies, searches for gamma-ray bursts and fast radio bursts; multi-messenger science; and astroparticle physics topics including searches for dark matter. VERITAS has also pioneered the use of IACTs for optical astronomy, particularly via intensity interferometry. Recent highlights from the VERITAS observing program and scientific results are presented.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.417.0010
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