PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 417 - 7th Heidelberg International Symposium on High-Energy Gamma-Ray Astronomy (Gamma2022) - Contributed talks
VERITAS observations of gamma-ray binaries
S.R. Patel
Full text: pdf
Pre-published on: November 26, 2024
Published on: December 05, 2024
VERITAS, an array of four 12-m imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes, has been fully operational since April 2007. It is located at the
Fred Lawrence Whipple Observatory in southern Arizona (31 40N, 110 57W, 1.3 km a.s.l.).
One of the key VERITAS science programs have included the search for and monitoring of gamma-ray binaries. The gamma-ray binary systems are composed of a massive star and a compact object, black hole or neutron star. Their spectral energy distributions peak above 1 GeV. VERITAS archive consists of more than 200 hr of datasets for LS I +61° 303 and HESS J0632+057, having orbital periods of ~316.7 days and ~26.5 days, respectively. In this work the status and results from the VERITAS observations for these binary systems and the correlation studies between very high energy (VHE) $\gamma$-ray and X-ray emissions are discussed.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.417.0060
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