PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 418 - Engaging Citizen Science Conference 2022 (CitSci2022) - Workshops
Co-creation in citizen science (CS) for the development of climate adaptation measurements—Which success factors promote and which barriers hinder a fruitful collaboration and co-creation process between scientists and volunteers?
J. Fauser and R. Braun*
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Pre-published on: December 15, 2022
Published on: December 16, 2022
In this paper we presented the results of the workshop with the topic: Co-creation in citizen science (CS) for the development of climate adaptation measurements - Which success factors promote, and which barriers hinder a fruitful collaboration and co-creation process between scientists and volunteers? Under consideration of social, motivational, technical/technological and legal factors., which took place at the CitSci2022. We underlined the mentioned factors in the work with scientific literature. Our findings suggest that a clear communication strategy of goals and how citizen scientists can contribute to the project are important. In addition, they have to feel include and that the contribution makes a difference. To achieve this, it is critical to present the results to the citizen scientists. Also, the relationship between scientist and citizen scientists are essential to keep the citizen scientists engaged. Notification of meetings and events needs to be made well in advance and should be scheduled on the attendees' leisure time. The citizen scientists should be especially supported in technical questions. As a result, they feel appreciated and remain part of the project. For legal factors the current General Data Protection Regulation was considered important by the participants of the workshop. For the further research we try to address the individual points and first of all to improve our communication with the citizen scientist about the project goals and how they can contribute. In addition, we should better share the achieved results.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.418.0115
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