PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 419 - FAIR next generation scientists - 7th Edition Workshop (FAIRness2022) - Main session
The new Forward Tracker System for the HADES FAIR Phase-0 experiment
G. Perez Andrade*, J. Ritman, P. Wintz  on behalf of the HADES collaboration
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Published on: June 19, 2023
As part of the FAIR phase-0, the HADES experiment underwent a hardware upgrade that included updating existing components, data-acquisition systems, and the integration of new detectors. In particular, the new Straw Tracking Stations (STS) enlarge the HADES acceptance to low polar angles, crucial for the FAIR phase-0 physics program, including hyperon reconstruction. The STS has eight double layers of straws arranged in four azimuthal orientations for a full 3D track reconstruction and resolving ambiguities in multi-track events. Pre-commissioning tests showed a possible spatial resolution of single straw tubes of about 0.13 mm for minimum ionizing particles. The STS system was installed at HADES in 2020 and tested during a dedicated commissioning beamtime in February 2021. The collected data was used to develop the calibration and track reconstruction methods. The STS is one of the PANDA systems in early operation during the FAIR Phase-0, and will become part of the PANDA Forward Tracker at the start of FAIR Phase-1. A description of the STS system and a summary of the results from the experiment beamtime in 2022 are presented.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.419.0043
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