The Tenth International Workshop on Semiconductor Pixel Detectors for Particles and Imaging
(PIXEL2022) was held in Santa Fe, NM, USA on December 12-16, 2022. The workshop was
attended by over 100 scientists and engineers from institutes throughout the world.
Approximately 20% of the delegates were students and post-doctoral fellows. The meeting
included nineteen sessions of plenary scientific talks and a poster session. A total of 95 scientific talks and
posters were presented, including a historical overview of the field, an introduction to the
fundamentals, and a summary talk with outlook for the future. Special conference events included
an opening reception, optional excursions to New Mexico sites of special beauty and historical
value, and a conference dinner. I thank the members of the International Advisory Committee for
their suggestions concerning the scientific program. The lovely conference poster was designed
and produced by Mark Wrasman of Keystroke Graphics in Montgomery, Illinois. Terry Aldahl
and Desiree Quintana of La Fonda on the Plaza ensured that the conference ran smoothly. Chef
Peter Vigil and his staff at La Fonda provided delicious and nourishing meals. The primary
sponsors of PIXEL2022 were the University of New Mexico, the U.S. Department of Energy, and
the National Science Foundation.