Characterization of Hybrid Pixel Detector With CdTe Sensor
L. Braga Da Rosa*, L. Mendes, R.N. de Oliveira, G. Paulino, S. Santos, R. Tartarotti, P. Oliveira, T. Barbosa and A. Tomal
Pre-published on:
March 13, 2023
Published on:
May 08, 2023
The X-ray techniques used in synchrotron sources have been an indispensable tool in studying the physical aspects of various fields, such as biology, chemistry, and materials science. The results of these experiments often depend on the performance of the detectors, especially when studying sample dynamics, which require fast and sensitive X-ray detectors. This work presents a description of the PIMEGA X-ray camera system based on 1 mm thick CdTe sensors with a 55 $\mu$m pixel pitch bump-bonded to Medipix3RX ASICs. It is also described the preliminary results of the system's prototype characterization and imaging capabilities, which were conducted in terms of spatial resolution, detective quantum efficiency, leakage current, full depletion, and equalization responses. The experiments were performed using the detector in super high gain mode, with a 12-bit configuration in Fine Pitch and Single-Pixel mode. The results show the high-quality imaging capabilities of the detector with excellent values of MTF and DQE.
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