PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 421 - Neutrino Oscillation Workshop (NOW2022) - Session I. Oscillation parameters: present
Recent oscillation results and future prospects of Super-Kamiokande
Y. Takeuchi* and  On behalf of the Super-Kamiokande Collaboration
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Pre-published on: December 28, 2022
Published on: March 28, 2023
Super-Kamiokande (SK) is a 50 kton water Cherenkov detector located 1000 m underground in Kamioka Japan. Observations at SK began in 1996 with purified water. The main physics targets at SK on neutrino oscillation are atmospheric neutrino oscillation and solar neutrino oscillation. In this article, the recent preliminary oscillation analysis results are reported. In August 2020, we added gadolinium (Gd) and moved to the SK-Gd phase. SK-Gd is expected to improve the detection efficiency of neutrons. In this article, the current status of SK-Gd and future prospects on the neutrino oscillation measurements are reported also.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.421.0004
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