  author = "Ferri, Elena  and  Alpert, Bradley  and  Balata, Marco  and  Becker, Daniel  and  Bennett, Douglas  and  Borghesi, Matteo  and  Cerboni, Noemi  and  De Gerone, Matteo  and  Dressler, Rugard  and  Faverzani, Marco  and  Fedkevych, Mariia  and  Fowler, Joseph  and  Gallucci, Giovanni  and  Gard, John  and  Gatti, Flavio  and  Giachero, Andrea  and  Hilton, Gene  and  Köster, Ulli  and  Labranca, Danilo  and  Lusignoli, Maurizio  and  Mates, John  and  Maugeri, Emilio  and  Nisi, Stefano  and  Nucciotti, Angelo  and  Origo, Luca  and  Pessina, Gianluigi  and  Ragazzi, Stefano  and  Reintsema, Carl  and  Schmidt, Dan  and  Schumann, Dorothea  and  Swetz, Daniel  and  Ullom, Joel  and  Vale, Leila",
  title = "{Status of HOLMES, an experiment for measuring the nu mass}",
  doi = "10.22323/1.421.0076",
  booktitle = "Proceedings of Neutrino Oscillation Workshop {\textemdash} PoS(NOW2022)",
  year = 2022,
  volume = "421",
  pages = "076"