PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 422 - The Tenth Annual Conference on Large Hadron Collider Physics (LHCP2022) - BSM 1 - TeV Scale
A brief survey of low energy supersymmetry under current experiments
J.M. Yang*, P. Zhu and R. Zhu
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Pre-published on: March 27, 2023
Published on: June 21, 2023
This is a brief overview on the low energy supersymmetry in light of current experiments including the LHC searches, the dark matter (DM) detections, the muon $g-2$ and the CDF II measurement of the W-boson mass. We focus on the minimal framework of supersymmetry, namely the minimal supersymmetric model (MSSM), and obtain the following conclusions: (i) The MSSM can survive all current experiments, albeit suffering from the little hierarchy problem due to the heavy stops pushed up by the LHC searches; (ii) The DM relic density can be readily achieved by the thermal freeze-out of the lightest neutralino and the null results of DM direct detections are typically driving the parameter space to the bino-like lightest neutralino region; (iii) The muon $g-2$ anomaly reported by FNAL and BNL can be explained at $2\sigma$ level, which indicates light sleptons and electroweakinos possibly accessible at the HL-LHC; (iv) The CDF II measurement of the W-boson mass can be marginally explained, but requires light stops near TeV which may soon be covered by the LHC searches.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.422.0069
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