@article{Prohira:2023nR, author = "Prohira, Steven and de Vries, Krijn and Allison, Patrick and Beatty, James and Besson, Dave and Connolly, Amy and Cummings, Austin and Dasgupta, Paramita and Deaconu, Cosmin and De Kockere, Simon and Frikken, Dylan and HAST, Carsten and Huesca Santiago, Erique and Kuo, Chung-Yun and Latif, Uzair Abdul and Lukic, Vesna and Meures, Thomas and Mulrey, Katharine and Nam, Jiwoo and Nivedita, Krishna and Nozdrina, Alisa and Oberla, Eric and Ralston, John and Sbrocco, Cade and Seikh, Mohammad and Stanley, Rose S and Torres, Jorge and Toscano, Simona and Van den Broeck, Dieder and van Eijndhoven, Nick and Wissel, Stephanie", title = "{The Radar Echo Telescope: Detection of Ultra High Energy Neutrinos and Cosmic Rays Using the Radar Echo Technique}", doi = "10.22323/1.424.0009", journal = "PoS", year = 2023, volume = "ARENA2022", pages = "009" }