@inproceedings{Zeolla:2023+b, author = "Zeolla, Andrew and Alvarez-Muñiz, Jaime and Cummings, Austin and Curtis-Ginsberg, Zachary and Deaconu, Cosmin and Decoene, Valentin and Hendrick, Angus and Hughes, Kaeli and Krebs, Ryan and Ludwig, Andrew and Mulrey, Katie and Oberla, Eric and Prohira, Steven and Rodrigues de Carvalho, Washington and Rodriguez, A. and Romero-Wolf, Andres and Schoorlemmer, Harm and Southall, Dan and Vieregg, Abigail G. and Wissel, Stephanie and Zas, Enrique", title = "{The Beamforming Elevated Array for COsmic Neutrinos (BEACON): A Radio Detector for Earth-Skimming Tau Neutrinos}", doi = "10.22323/1.424.0023", booktitle = "Proceedings of 9th International Workshop on Acoustic and Radio EeV Neutrino Detection Activities {\textemdash} PoS(ARENA2022)", year = 2023, volume = "424", pages = "023" }