PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 424 - 9th International Workshop on Acoustic and Radio EeV Neutrino Detection Activities (ARENA2022) - Air shower simulations
Template synthesis approach for radio emission from extensive air showers
M. Desmet*, S. Buitink, D. Butler, T. Huege, R. Engel and O. Scholten
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Pre-published on: May 22, 2023
Published on: October 25, 2023
We present a novel way to synthesise the radio emission from extensive air showers. It is a hybrid approach which uses a single microscopic Monte-Carlo simulation to generate the radio emission from a shower with a different longitudinal evolution, primary particle type and energy. The method employs semi-analytical relations which only depend on the shower parameters to transform the radio signal in the simulated antennas. We apply this method to vertical air showers with energies ranging from $10^{17} \; \text{eV}$ to $10^{19} \; \text{eV}$ and compare the results with CoREAS using two different metrics. In order to gauge the performance over our simulation set, we subsequently use every shower in the set as a template to synthesise the emission from the other showers. Depending on the scoring metric, template synthesis reconstructs the radio emission with an accuracy of 5 to 10%.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.424.0052
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