PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 425 - The Multifaceted Universe: Theory and Observations - 2022 (MUTO2022) - Stars and interstellar medium
Photometric monitoring of eclipsing cataclysmic variables
P.D. Efremova*, M. Gabdeev, R. Zhuchkov, A. Gutaev, R. Bayazitov and S. Grigoriev
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Pre-published on: September 25, 2022
Published on: December 14, 2022
In this work, we process optical photometric monitoring of known eclipsing dwarf novae and polars, whose brightness variations amount to $\approx1^m$ or more due to the varying matter transfer rates in the systems. The aim of the monitoring is to select objects that have low accretion rates at the time of observations. The observations are carried out with the 28-cm reflector of the North Caucasian Astronomical Station of KFU. The V and $R_C$ band magnitudes of a sample of dwarf novae and polars are determined and then compared with literature data. Magnitudes corresponding to low accretion rates are registered in EX Dra, GY Cnc, IP Peg and CRTS J054558.3+022106 dwarf novae; V1309 Ori, HU Aqr, V808 Aur and VV Pup polars, on the contrary, are all detected only with high accretion rates.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.425.0039
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