Exploring the radio continuum in megamaser galaxies with the EVN
P. Castangia*, A. Tarchi, G. Surcis, E. Ladu and F. Panessa
Pre-published on:
February 13, 2023
Published on:
August 22, 2023
The origin of the nuclear radio continuum emission in radio quiet AGN, differently from their radio loud counterpart, may be due to multiple physical mechanisms. Moreover, although they constitute the great majority of the AGN population, studying their radio emission is challenging due to their intrinsic weakness. Being preferentially found in radio quiet objects (e. g. Seyfert or LINER galaxies), water megamasers offer a powerful complementary way to shed light on the origin of the radio continuum emission in these AGN. In fact, beside accretion disks, H$_2$O masers may also trace nuclear ejecta in the form of jets or winds providing estimates of the shock speeds and densities of the outflowing material, and improving our understanding of its interaction with the ISM. Here, we present multi frequency VLBI radio continuum observations of two Seyfert galaxies hosting luminous water maser emission presently under thorough investigation by our group: IRAS 15480-0344 and IC 485.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.428.0029
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