@article{Alexandrou:2023eM, author = "Alexandrou, Constantia and Bacchio, Simone and Dimopoulos, Petros and Finkenrath, Jacob and Frezzotti, Roberto and Gagliardi, Giuseppe and Garofalo, Marco and Hadjiyiannakou, Kyriakos and Kostrzewa, Bartosz and Jansen, Karl and Lubicz, Vittorio and Petschlies, Marcus and Sanfilippo, Francesco and Simula, Silvano and Urbach, Carsten and Wenger, Urs", title = "{Disconnected contribution to the LO HVP term of muon g-2 from ETMC}", doi = "10.22323/1.430.0303", journal = "PoS", year = 2023, volume = "LATTICE2022", pages = "303" }