PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 438 - 11th International Conference on Hard and Elecctromagnetic Probes of High-Energy Nuclear Collisions (HardProbes2023) - Plenary Talks
Overview of Recent Experimental Electroweak Probes Results
A. Baty
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Published on: February 16, 2024
Electroweak probes have no color charge and therefore do not interact via the strong force. Somewhat paradoxically, this makes them an excellent probe of the strongly-coupled quark-gluon plasma created in high energy heavy ion collisions. Recent experimental results are discussed for three classes of electroweak probe. The first class concerns the usage of heavy bosons for constraining the initial stages of a heavy ion collisions. The second class of probes involves the back-to-back leptons produced in electromagnetic processes which are typically thought of in the context of ultraperipheral collisions. The final class of probes discussed involves direct photons and low mass dilepton pairs, which can be used to constrain the temperature of the QGP fireball and learn about the evolution of the QGP medium. Finally, some recent related measurements which might have implications for future searches for beyond the Standard Model physics are addressed. In all cases, significant recent progress has been made on the experimental front, and exciting new opportunities for future measurements still exist.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.438.0010
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