PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 438 - 11th International Conference on Hard and Elecctromagnetic Probes of High-Energy Nuclear Collisions (HardProbes2023) - High momentum hadrons and correlations
A multistage framework for studying the evolution of jets and high-pT probes in small collision systems
 Jetscape, A. Angerami, R. Arora, S.A. Bass, S. Cao, Y. Chen, R. Ehlers, H. Elfner, W. Fan, R.J. Fries, C. Gale, Y. He, U. Heinz, B. Jacak, P. Jacobs, S. Jeon, Y.I. Ji, L. Kasper, M. Kordell II, A. Kumar, J. Latessa, Y.J. Lee, R. Lemmon, D. Liyanage, A. Lopez, M. Luzum, A. Majumder*, S. Mak, A. Mankolli, C. Martin, H. Mehryar, T. Mengel, J. Mulligan, C. Nattrass, J. Norman, J.F. Paquet, C. Parker, J.H. Putschke, G. Roland, B. Schenke, L. Schwiebert, A. Sengupta, C. Shen, C. Sirimanna, R.A. Soltz, I. Soudi, M. Strickland, Y. Tachibana, J. Velkovska, G. Vujanovic, X.N. Wang and W. Zhaoet al. (click to show)
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Published on: February 16, 2024
Understanding the modification of jets and high-$p_T$ probes in small systems requires the integration of soft and hard physics. We present recent developments in extending the
JETSCAPE framework to build an event generator, which includes correlations between soft and hard partons, to study jet observables in small systems. The multi-scale physics of the
collision is separated into different stages. Hard scatterings are first sampled at binary collision positions provided by the Glauber geometry. They are then propagated backward in
space-time following an initial-state shower to obtain the initiating partons’ energies and momenta before the collision. These energies and momenta are then subtracted from the
incoming colliding nucleons for soft-particle production, modeled by the 3D-Glauber + hydrodynamics + hadronic transport framework. This new hybrid approach (X-SCAPE) includes non-trivial correlations between jet and soft particle productions in small systems. We calibrate this framework with the final state hadron’s $p_T$-spectra from low to high $p_T$ in $p$-$p$, and and then compare with the spectra in $p$-$Pb$ collisions from the LHC. We also present results for additional observables such as the distributions of event activity as a function of the hardest jet $p_T$ in forward and mid-rapidity for both $p$-$p$ and $p$-$Pb$ collisions.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.438.0128
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