PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 438 - 11th International Conference on Hard and Elecctromagnetic Probes of High-Energy Nuclear Collisions (HardProbes2023) - Jets and their modification in QCD matter
On the momentum broadening of in-medium jet evolution using a light-front Hamiltonian approach
M. Li*, T. Lappi, X. Zhao and C. Salgado
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Published on: February 16, 2024
We have developed a non-perturbative light-front Hamiltonian formalism to simulate the real-time evolution of a quark state in a SU(3) colored medium, with a series of works.
In this proceeding article, we focus on the transverse momentum broadening of an in-medium quark jet.
We perform the numerical simulation of the quark jet evolution in the $\ket{q}+\ket{qg}$ Fock space at various medium densities.
By analyzing the resulting jet light-front wavefunction, we extract the gluon emission rate and the non-eikonal quenching parameter.
Additionally, we provide the analytical derivation of the eikonal expectation value of the quark-gluon state's transverse momentum for any color configuration and arbitrary spatial distribution.
This study can help understand jet momentum broadening beyond the eikonal limit.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.438.0151
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