Charged cosmic rays entering the solar system are affected by the interaction with the expanding turbulent solar wind and the interplanetary magnetic field. This process, known as solar modulation, introduces a time variation in the cosmic ray fluxes measured near Earth for rigidities up to a few tens of GV. In twelve years of operation, AMS has measured the temporal structures of fluxes of elementary particles and light nuclei up to Oxygen over an eleven-year solar cycle. The detailed time dependence measurements of these fluxes reveal variations on different time scales and rigidities associated to the solar activity. This extensive set of continuous measurements performed by a single detector over a long time period provides valuable information about both the mass and charge sign dependencies of the solar modulation of cosmic rays.
Thanks to its large acceptance, identification capabilities and long-term mission in space, AMS is a unique experiment to carry out precise studies on the time variability of the individual species
in cosmic rays. These results provide fresh insights for an in-depth understanding of cosmic rays in the heliosphere.