@article{Ghosh:2023Vb, author = "Ghosh, Priyarshini and Ghosh, P. and Porter, T. A. and Calderon, J. and Coutu, S. and Jones, S. and Labrador, W. and Lisalda, L. and Meyer, E. and Mitchell, J. W. and Moiseev, A. A. and Nutter, S. and Pastrana, I. and Salmani, H. and Sasaki, M. and Smith, S. and Washington, D.", title = "{Isotopic Production Cross Section Updates in GALPROP for Supporting TIGERISS}", doi = "10.22323/1.444.0049", journal = "PoS", year = 2023, volume = "ICRC2023", pages = "049" }