PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 444 - 38th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2023) - Cosmic-Ray Physics (Indirect, CRI)
Description and performance results of The Data processor of the SPB2 Fluorescence Telescope
M. Mese*, V. Scotti, A. Anastasio, A. Boiano, F. Cafagna, C. Fornaro, V. Masone, G. Osteria, F. Perfetto, G. Tortone and A. Vanzanella
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Pre-published on: July 25, 2023
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EUSO-SPB2 (Extreme Universe Space Observatory on a Super Pressure Balloon II) is a precursor
mission for a future space observatory for multi-messenger astrophysics, planned to be launched
in Spring 2023 with a flight duration target of 100 days. The Fluorescence Telescope (FT)
hosted on board is designed to detect Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays via the UV fluorescence
emission of the Extensive Air Showers in the atmosphere. The Data Processor (DP) of the
FT is the component of the electronics system that performs data management and instrument
control for the telescope. The DP controls front-end electronics, tags events with arrival time and
payload position through a GPS system, provides signals for time synchronization of the event
and measures the live and dead time of the telescope. Furthermore, it manages mass memory
for data storage, performs housekeeping monitoring, and controls the power-on and power-off
sequences. Finally, the data processor combines the data from the PDMs and onboard differential
GPS and prioritizes data for download. The long duration of the flight poses strict requirements
on electronics and data handling. The operations at high altitude in an unpressurized environment
represent a technological challenge for heat dissipation. This contribution will provide an overview
of the innovative elements developed and the results of the integration and field test campaigns.
We will also present some preliminary analysis of the performance during the flight.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.444.0219
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