PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 444 - 38th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2023) - Cosmic-Ray Physics (Indirect, CRI)
Galaxy Cluster simulations with a spectral Cosmic Ray model - "Wrong Way" Radio Relics
L.M. Böss*, U.P. Steinwandel and K. Dolag
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Pre-published on: August 16, 2023
Published on: September 27, 2024
Non-thermal emission from relativistic electrons gives insight into the strength and morphology of intra-cluster
magnetic fields, as well as providing powerful tracers of structure formation shocks.Emission caused by Cosmic Ray
(CR) protons on the other hand still challenges current observations and is therefore testing models of proton
acceleration at intra-cluster shocks.
Large-scale simulations including the effects of CRs have been difficult to achieve and have been mainly reduced to simulating an overall energy budget, or tracing CR populations in post-processing
of simulation output and has often been done for either protons or electrons.
We use an efficient on-thefly
Fokker-Planck solver to evolve distributions of CR protons and electrons within every resolution element of our simulation.
The solver accounts for CR acceleration at intra-cluster shocks, based on results of recent PIC simulations, re-acceleration
due to shocks and MHD turbulence, adiabatic changes and radiative losses of electrons.
We apply this model to zoom simulations of galaxy clusters, recently used to show the evolution of the small-scale turbulent
dynamo on cluster scales.
For these simulations we use a spectral resolution of 48 bins over 6 orders of magnitude in momentum for electrons and 12 bins over 6 orders of magnitude in momentum for protons.
We present preliminary results about a possible formation mechanism for "Wrong Way" Radio Relics in our simulation.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.444.0235
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