@article{Pryga:2023Be, author = "Pryga, Jerzy Seweryn and Wozniak, Krzysztof W. and Bibrzycki, Lukasz and Homola, Piotr and Niedźwiedzki, Jerzy and Alvarez-Castillo, David and Hachaj, Tomasz and Hnatyk, Bohdan and Piekarczyk, Marcin and Ruimi, Ophir and Stuglik, Sławomir and Svanidze, Manana", title = "{Detection of Extensive Air Showers with small array - measurement and estimations}", doi = "10.22323/1.444.0382", journal = "PoS", year = 2023, volume = "ICRC2023", pages = "382" }