The large-scale anisotropy (LSA) of cosmic rays, which exhibits a complex evolution with energy,
is an important probe to unraveling the mystery of the origin and propagation of cosmic rays.
However, the previous observation for LSA have limited accuracy at high energies (above hundred
TeV), and the measurements focus on the mixed-composition of cosmic rays. The 5216 electromagnetic particle detectors and 1188 muon detectors in the square kilometer array (KM2A) of
LHAASO allows the ground-base array to identify the primary composition of cosmic rays with
unprecedented sensitivity by measuring the muon component in the air shower. In this work, we
present the LSA of all particle cosmic rays from tens TeV to about 10 PeV obtained from three
years’ data of KM2A. A preliminary study for the light-composition (protons and helium) of LSA
were also introduced. These results are expected to provide important information for the physical
interpretation of LSA, and consequently the propagation of cosmic rays.