PoS - Proceedings of Science
Volume 444 - 38th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC2023) - Gamma-ray Astronomy (GA)
Unveiling the molecular environment of the enigmatic PeVatron candidate LHAASO J2108+5157
I.A. Toledano Juarez*, E. de la Fuente, K. Kawata, D. Tafoya, M.Á. Trinidad, M. Yamagishi, S. Takekawa, M. Ohnishi, A. Nishimura, T. Onishi, S. Kato, T. Sako, M. Takita, H. Sano and R.K. Yadav
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Pre-published on: August 17, 2023
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We summarize the results of previous works in which we analyzed the molecular environment around the PeVatron candidate LHAASO J2108+5157, using $^{12,13}$CO observations. As specific case, we present evidence that the observed sub-PeV emission is produced in two molecular clouds as cosmic-ray targets ([FKT-MC]2022 and [FTK-MC]) with two different LSR velocities but with the same distances. We recalculate the distance of [FKT-MC]2022, obtaining the value of 1.6 kpc. We suggest that both clouds are part of the same structure, where [FTK-MC] is blueshifted with respect to [FKT-MC]2022 favoring gravitational collapse and star formation
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22323/1.444.0809
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